Monthly Archives: December 2013

Snooki Hit With Lawsuit For Shilling Zantrex Diet Pill

Diet Soda Sales Fizzle Out Amid Diabetes, Obesity Concerns

Ashley Brady has filed a class action federal lawsuit Monday claiming the reality star’s claims about a diet pill are a big fat lie. The suit charges that Zantrex weight loss garcinia cambogia extract pills are basically caffeine pills which may not be safe as a fat burner if the user is obese or suffers from heart disease. TOM BRIGLIA/PR NEWSWIRE Snooki after trimming down, she claims by using Zantrex-3. Snooki, the once chubby clown princess of “Jersey Shore,” has been shilling Zantrex on social media and glossy magazines, but tweeted fans that she stopped taking it while breastfeeding her baby. RELATED: SNOOKI: I QUIT DRINKING AFTER CLUB SCARE “Snooki holds herself out as an expert in fitness,” the complaint states. “In this regard, she has amassed many fans and followers who specifically follow and listen to her advice on weight loss and fitness.” “Not only is she the primary endorser of Zantrex products, she is, in fact, the face of the Zantrex brand.” Anonymous/PR NEWSWIRE The suit charges that Zantrex weight loss pills are basically caffeine pills which may not be safe as a fat burner if the user is obese or suffers from heart disease.
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In recent years, diet sodas have been associated with weight gain, an increase in Type 2 diabetes and other health conditions that could lead to serious consequences.—crucial-data-released-231403591.html Effects of Diet Sodas The diet drink craze in the U.S. surged between 1990 and 2010 as the American public became more concerned about obesity. Sales of diet drinks rose from 26 percent to 31 percent during that period, despite consumer complaints about the taste of artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose.
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Diet Doc Hormone Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces New Travel Diet Plans, Allowing Dieters to Lose Weight Fast Even during the Holidays

Especially during this busy holiday season, where dieters are making their best travel plans and visiting family and friends, the temptation to indulge in unhealthy, fattening foods may overtake their goals for weight loss. Combining Diet Doc’s natural supplements, appetite suppressing diet pills and fat burning treatments with a healthy, low calorie meal plan will allow dieters to easily stick with their diet plan and lose weight fast. And, because Diet Doc understands that determining which foods are low in fat and calories, and will not cause weight gain, can be challenging, they offer unlimited consultations with certified nutritionists available six days per week. Should patients have questions about healthy food options, need assistance in planning low calorie meals or simply need guidance and support during their weight loss journey , the Diet Doc team remains available to provide answers and encouragement. This exclusive weight loss protocol has already helped thousands of clients easily lose weight fast and reach their weight loss goals, with some losing up to almost a pound of excess and embarrassing fat per day. In fact, in a recent Diet Doc in-house survey, an overwhelming majority of patients reported rapid and effecting weight loss without any of the negative side effects sometimes experienced when reducing caloric intake. Want Diet Doc Special Offers?
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