Monthly Archives: January 2014

We’re Either Dieting Less Or Lying About Our Diets More

Of course, my money is on d. In this age of health, purity and clean living, no one wants to admit to something as outre as a diet. We are all effortless Gwyneth Paltrows, not hapless Bridget Joneses! We follow our active, juice-loving instincts, and our bodies naturally conform to the radiant well-being of our souls.
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Don’t be too ambitious when dieting

When you try to lose weight in a short period of time, you will lack essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Muscle tissue will decrease, and immunity levels will fall, said Prof. Shim Ki-nam at the department of internal medicine at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital in southwestern Seoul. Trendy diets such as a one food diet or a one meal a day diet can cause gastritis, menstrual irregularity and anemia as garcinia cambogia reviews well as loss of hair, she added.
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